Tuesday, January 8, 2008

"Districts" Youth Conference

My wife and I work in a local church and love Junior High and Senior High students. They are exploring life and finding out about who they can be. And most important, these are the years when they get to embrace their faith fully for themselves and begin to grow in their devotion to God through the grace of Jesus Christ.

We get to watch this transformation with each student's parent. There is nothing on the face of the earth more rewarding then being a part of the process of a growing, mature faith in Christ Jesus. We love it.

On a few occasions, we take students on retreats. Last weekend we led a group of just under 100 to Bible-saturated, prayer-infused, praise-oriented, growth-level conference known affectionately around here simply as, "Districts." To make a long story short, students are required to be at about 10 hours of God-centered meetings, and many of them elected to be at another 2 hours of prayer gatherings. In the 40 hours we had them, well over ten was devoted to learning and growing in their love for God.

The above picture is our group. We actually came together with other churches from throughout our state, the whole group was over 3,000 students! That sort of blows my mind. God was at work profoundly in our midst through Districts, and I praise Him for that.

My wife and I love exposing students to Jesus Christ. We love helping parents grow in their abilities to disciple their own students. We love serving our sovereign Savior together.

I count it an incredible privilege that God would ever lavish His grace on me and call me into the ministry.

If you're interested in more information about Districts, check out our "prayer blog."

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