Monday, October 13, 2008


My wife turns, well, the next year older tomorrow, October 14. To try to put into words what she means to me and how much I love her is impossible. I trip over my own words and never capture things correctly or beautifully enough to do her justice. I want to say what she means but it is like trying to draw the Grand Canyon when you live at the top of it. The grandeur of the real thing is real and immense and your drawing is quickly dwarfed.

Nikki is my strength, my joy and my life. She has defined my thoughts, my conscience and my breath. The thought of her impacts everything from which socks I wear (I really don't care if they match what I wear or each other) to wanting to give her reputation (I praise her in the gates). She is my dream and my best friend. She has nothing to live up to and she can fall from no pedestal, yet she is my all and impacts how clearly the sun shines on me. When things are right between us there are no clouds on earth, and when things are not right I search in vain for light. With her by my side I can persevere through tumult, and without her I can't imagine why I would keep going. She has grown sweeter to me with each passing moment.

God and His Word has brought us to this point. I do not worship her. Yet she has changed all that I am.

May I grant to her a portion of who she is to me, that in everything Christ might be glorified!

Happy Birthday, my love!

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