Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wednesday Update

This is the first time that I've had to actually write a blog entry. Thanks for your continued prayers for us!

I will list a few highlights because it's quick and there are people waiting for this computer:
  • As you already know, our travel was unbelievably flawless--praise God. Please be in prayer for the crucial part of our travel: Friday morning's travel to the airport.
  • Spiritually speaking, God is AT WORK. He's working in so many ways that I hesitate to even make sweeping generalities. I am most thankful to see the way he is transforming the hearts of those who are resistant to emotional ploys. Woooo.
  • We not only paid for tons of meals to send to needy people, we also assembled those meals. That was a BLAST! Your students worked so HARD. Pray for those who will receive these meals to find the GIVER of the daily Bread.
  • Today we tour the Mormon Temple Square at 2:30 your time. Pray for understanding and deepening passion for Christ.

Everyone is healthy.

Praising God with you!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the updates (Jon AND Nikki!) and pictures!
Praying for your last full day there--For the desire to learn, to have a hunger for the things of God, and be totally sold out for Jesus-seeking Him with their whole hearts.(Matt.5:6, Ps.119:2, Ps.86:11-12, and Pr.2:1-5.)
Lots of Love,
Mom S.